The Blog

A number of my old photo blogs haven't had their redesign yet - so please be

patient and enjoy them all anyways while I update over 140 old posts individually


MUSIC: Moo Big Idiot at The Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver
Make: Kylo Ren lightsaber breakdown and rebuild.
Archive: Lemmy Kilmister with Motörhead in Vancouver 2009 and 2011
Archive: Scott Weiland in Vancouver 2009
Fred Penner with World Vision
Event: Golf Tournament: Birdies for Babies 2015
EVENT: TSX Charity Golf Tournament
Music: Wu-Tang Clan in Vancouver
EVENT: Birdies 4 Babies Charity Golf Tournament
Travel: Mexico – Resort Wedding at Moon Palace
Event: BC Bakery and Deli Golf Tournament 2014
Event: Beer tasting with Yelp at The August Jack – Kitsilano, Vancouver
Travel: Las Vegas for NAB Conference and fun
EVENT: Surrey Central’s TARGET VIP night
PRINTS: Cyber Monday print sale!
Portrait: Little Mouse


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