Archive: Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip

It’s been a few weeks since news came to light that Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip came forward to advise his fans that he faced, and has been facing a particularly nasty bout of Cancer. Unfortunately the cancer diagnosis is not good, and will likely take Downie’s life in due course. Such dire news, however will not stop the band from performing one last tour with as much energy and love for their fans as they have in the past. I am happy to have had the opportunity to photograph this eccentric man on two separate occasions. I’m also happy to share some of my favorite photos.


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Archive: Lemmy Kilmister with Motörhead in Vancouver 2009 and 2011

I had the great honor of shooting Motörhead twice in the last six years, and while it wasn’t always an easy shoot, with Lemmy spending a LOT of time with his face in the mic, it was always a fun shoot. I was able to meet the man while we interviewed him for ABORT Magazine in 2009, and he was quite the character. No bullshit, exactly what he was thinking is what he would say. A true class act if there ever was one.

Rest in Peace.



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PRINTS: Cyber Monday print sale!

I don’t always offer prints for sale, but leading up to Christmas, I figure what better time to offer some inexpensive prints for friends and family and random Christmas presents. I’ve pulled NINE of my favorite/popular images and decided to offer them for only $40 each! Click through for more info at the bottom of the post!

Fly Away – Vancouver


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ARCHIVE: The Dreadnoughts ring in 2010

After looking through the archives for an image I needed to update, I came across a show I particularly enjoyed, and figured I would dust off some of the images and share them. This set is from New Years 2010, and features an eclectic Vancouver band, The Dreadnoughts. The shot I was looking for to update is at the end of the post, and remains one of my favorite concert catches.


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