Make: Seagate 4TB Portable Harddrive Case

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I picked up two drives last week to re-backup all my photos. Since I am in the double digits of Terabytes, most clouds are just not for me. I wanted the slim drives specifically, and Seagate was the only one offering this size of drive in 4TB models right now… These are going in the safety deposit box I got at my bank.



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Make: Kylo Ren lightsaber breakdown and rebuild.

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I’ve been interested in taking apart and making things for a long time now, and while I have only just gotten in to starting on projects, I have been fiddling for the last few years, but never really found the time or inspiration to work on a larger scale than I have been. I recently, as in the last year, found a wealth of inspiration, information, and not too much intimidation from the folks over at TESTED, whose ranks employ none other than my favorite Mythbuster, Adam Savage.


For my first ‘major’ project, I wanted to build a Kylo Ren lightsaber.


Continue ReadingMake: Kylo Ren lightsaber breakdown and rebuild.