Film: Borrowing a Ricoh GR1s

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Unfortunately, about a month ago my M6 TTL had a little bit of a problem, and the rewind knob has come loose, rendering the camera pretty much useless until I can get it fixed. I was lucky enough to borrow a cool little (very little) camera from a fellow shooter here in Vancouver. The Ricoh GR1s is a small point and shoot film camera with very few options, so I didn’t know what to expect. I can assure you though, what they say about good things in small packages is very true.

Another frame of Marilyn Manson, shot for ABORT Magazine. One of four frames I tried shooting at the show. The others weren’t usable, but only because of motion blur from Manson, and not the camera. There was strobe lights going off every second during the one song we could shoot.


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