The latest Hockey player to add to the list over the last year is Mr Ryan Kesler – Current Vancouver Canuck, soon to be back on the ice after a broken foot in February around the time I was shooting an event with his teammate Alex Burrows.
Pastime Sports and Games is known for their well put together family events, and the Kesler signing was no exception. The Families were out in force, and the kids even had fun in the lineup. Didn’t hurt that the Green Men came along to hand out high-fives.
Apart from the kids and families, were gallons of girls. Kesler is quite the draw for young ladies.
They were also handing out hockey cards, and I grabbed a few packs to help these kids with their missing few cards. I think every young kid should collect these things. Gives an appreciation for patience and all sorts of other life lessons.
A blushing young lady after meeting Ryan.
Sophie Tweed-Simmons was there Supporting Sophie’s Place, which is part of The Centre for Child Development which helps children with special needs reach their potential.
Looking forward to the next event, this weekend – featuring Gino Odjick AND Johnny Bower, two great NHL alumni.
Copyright 2013 Scott Alexander