Portrait: The pipe maker

When I was first getting into street photography, and truth be told back into photography after a short hiatus in the early 2000s, I took my old Konica SLR with kit lens and expired Minolta film down to the DT East Side often, taking portraits and capturing some unique insights into the people who live and work there. In this case, an elderly man who may be long passed away now, some 7-8 years later. He sat quiet, carving pipes with a dollar store x-acto knife.

“I also fix watches, but I prefer to work with wood”


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Design: Promotional work for artist Tasha Zimich

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I’ve worked a little with Tasha in the past as she has supplied artworks for previous issues of ABORT Magazine (Namely #20, #21, and upcoming Issue #22). Having booked a table in New York next month for ComicCon, she needed some promotional materials for her table, and contacted me to do three separate designs with her artwork as the feature, much like the cover designs of the past, I was more than happy to work on this project.

Promotional poster


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