I’m currently out of film. I dug around at the bottom of the fridge this weekend and pulled out my last two rolls. A 36exp roll of Efke 25iso, and A 24exp roll of Ilford FP4+. I was definitely hoping for a nice bright day last saturday to shoot them, and thankfully I was rewarded with a nice and bright, yet slightly foggy (good for reflected light, I suppose) day in Vancouver
For me there is something about people smoking, and people looking at maps. I got the best of both here ; )
We were walking through Gastown, and both myself and Bryan had to take a photo of this rare sight. All of the times either of us ever walked through the neighborhood, we had never seen anyone working on the steam clock. Was a tad surreal to me.
This peaceful street reminded me a little of New York, for some reason.
Going to submit this one to a street photography contest to win a Fuji X100… ; )
Taking the lamp for a walk.
One of my favorite spots in the city. A nice little bit of symmetry.
I don’t know why, but I really like this. Perhaps it’s a sense of loneliness, of sorts.
Find what you love. I love shooting film and developing it myself
Efke 25 (expired) 6 minutes in D76 (+45sec)
Fp4+ 125 (expired) 8 minutes in D76 (+60sec)
Copyright 2013 Scott Alexander.