LIVE: Barenaked Ladies and Kathleen Edwards at Vancouver Folk Fest 2017

I’ve been listening to Barenaked Ladies since I was about Eight years when my parents brought home a cool little cassette tape of what is probably their biggest album, Gordon. I was hooked, along with most of Canada. The folk festival itself was also quite interesting, and an article will appear on ABORTmagazine later this week with my thoughts on that. So until then, enjoy the photos!


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EVENT: New Westminster Grand Prix 2017

The 2017 New Westminster Grand Prix happened this week, and while it blocked off my apartment from the rest of the world, I was able to literally just head downstairs with one camera and one lens and grab some shots. I’m all for not having to carry around a heavy camera bag!

All shots here are shot for fun, with the D800 and the Nikon 50/1.4 Lens playing around with some shutter dragging (no flash) to try and capture some compelling shots with a sense of movement. It was a challenge, but I came away with enough shots to share. So enjoy!


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MUSIC: Ninjaspy’s Spuken Tour 2017 – The Homecoming

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I’ve been shooting Ninjaspy for a decade. That still hasn’t sunk in quite yet. Ten years of photos, ten years of friendship with these talented musicians. June 24th 2017 marked their tour homecoming and official release of their new full length album Spüken, and the locals could not have been more welcoming.

I may have shot way too many photos at this show, but I was more than a little excited to be there to show my support.


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Make: Seagate 4TB Portable Harddrive Case

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I picked up two drives last week to re-backup all my photos. Since I am in the double digits of Terabytes, most clouds are just not for me. I wanted the slim drives specifically, and Seagate was the only one offering this size of drive in 4TB models right now… These are going in the safety deposit box I got at my bank.



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Archive: Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip

It’s been a few weeks since news came to light that Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip came forward to advise his fans that he faced, and has been facing a particularly nasty bout of Cancer. Unfortunately the cancer diagnosis is not good, and will likely take Downie’s life in due course. Such dire news, however will not stop the band from performing one last tour with as much energy and love for their fans as they have in the past. I am happy to have had the opportunity to photograph this eccentric man on two separate occasions. I’m also happy to share some of my favorite photos.


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Make: Kylo Ren lightsaber breakdown and rebuild.

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I’ve been interested in taking apart and making things for a long time now, and while I have only just gotten in to starting on projects, I have been fiddling for the last few years, but never really found the time or inspiration to work on a larger scale than I have been. I recently, as in the last year, found a wealth of inspiration, information, and not too much intimidation from the folks over at TESTED, whose ranks employ none other than my favorite Mythbuster, Adam Savage.


For my first ‘major’ project, I wanted to build a Kylo Ren lightsaber.


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Archive: Lemmy Kilmister with Motörhead in Vancouver 2009 and 2011

I had the great honor of shooting Motörhead twice in the last six years, and while it wasn’t always an easy shoot, with Lemmy spending a LOT of time with his face in the mic, it was always a fun shoot. I was able to meet the man while we interviewed him for ABORT Magazine in 2009, and he was quite the character. No bullshit, exactly what he was thinking is what he would say. A true class act if there ever was one.

Rest in Peace.



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Fred Penner with World Vision

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Fred Penner. What can I say about Fred Penner. First, he is exactly the person he portrayed on television. A true positive force if there ever was one. Having shot both the Dalai Lama and Fred Penner, I can say without exaggeration, that they exude positivity through their every pore.

I had been a big fan of Fred since I was a young lad, and have no problem saying that when he was singing to the kids, I was sitting there on the floor there with them loving every minute of it. Perhaps appreciating it more in my “old” age. It was amazing. I shot a lot, but want to share a few while I can. I’ll probably share more in a portfolio later on, but found it important that these go up now.




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