Portrait: The pipe maker

When I was first getting into street photography, and truth be told back into photography after a short hiatus in the early 2000s, I took my old Konica SLR with kit lens and expired Minolta film down to the DT East Side often, taking portraits and capturing some unique insights into the people who live and work there. In this case, an elderly man who may be long passed away now, some 7-8 years later. He sat quiet, carving pipes with a dollar store x-acto knife.

“I also fix watches, but I prefer to work with wood”


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Design: Promotional work for artist Tasha Zimich

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I’ve worked a little with Tasha in the past as she has supplied artworks for previous issues of ABORT Magazine (Namely #20, #21, and upcoming Issue #22). Having booked a table in New York next month for ComicCon, she needed some promotional materials for her table, and contacted me to do three separate designs with her artwork as the feature, much like the cover designs of the past, I was more than happy to work on this project.

Promotional poster


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Concert: DJ Eclectik – RedBull Thre3style Qualifier: Vancouver2013

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I’ve worked with DJ Eclectik for the past few years, but this was the first time during his work as a world class DJ. He runs Mount Pleasant Optometry by day, and is an exceedingly talented musician by night. He gets the crowd going, and has a LOT of fun doing it. When I shoot DJs or clubs, it’s usually a departure from my regular style, but all images are still straight from camera.


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Concert: Snoop Dogg and Snoop Lion

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Over the years I have been fortunate enough to photograph Snoop three times in concert, and once, quickly during an interview after the only show in Vancouver I haven’t shot in the last six years. The first was when I was still cutting my teeth, and my first BIG hiphop star back at the Commodore Ballroom. He came again, to the Pacific Colliseum, and didn’t sell out, so next time it was back to the Commodore twice in two years, and to the past outing, reincarnated as a Lion, at The Malkin Bowl in Stanley park, which I have usually covered acts in pouring rain. No such luck this time, though the rain came later that night.


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Event: Celebration of Lights with Mt Pleasant Optometry

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I’ve been working with Mt Pleasant Optometry for the last few years, and after a recent round of photos at their clinic on Broadway and Quebec, I was invited out on their yearly boat trip for Canada’s night of fireworks. It was an interesting trip, for sure – I also learned that a boat is the ONLY way to really watch the fireworks.


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ARCHIVE: Lilith Fair 2010

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I pulled these photos out the other day at the same time as The Dreadnoughts (last post) while looking for a photo I took of Sheryl Crow, and wanted to share them with everyone. The post features photos of Colbie Cailet, Erykah Badu, Sheryl Crow, Sugarland, and headliner Sarah McLachlan. Enjoy!


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ARCHIVE: The Dreadnoughts ring in 2010

After looking through the archives for an image I needed to update, I came across a show I particularly enjoyed, and figured I would dust off some of the images and share them. This set is from New Years 2010, and features an eclectic Vancouver band, The Dreadnoughts. The shot I was looking for to update is at the end of the post, and remains one of my favorite concert catches.


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TRAVEL: A Day in Kelowna

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Only the second time I have been able to tag ‘Travel’ for a blog post since I’ve been running this straightfromcamera.com site, and it was but a day trip. I have to say I found Kelowna a tad bit boring, but perhaps I didn’t spend enough time there. It was a good trip, though, as I got to spend it with the girlfriend.


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EVENT: Brendan Gallagher Signing

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Pastime Sports and Games, the store I cover these events for opened up shop an impressive 20 years ago, and wanted to celebrate with a bang. Cue former Vancouver Giant, and NHL Rookie Brendan Gallagher, who resides here off season. Brendan is the first hockey star I have photographed who is actually younger than I am. Seven years to be exact! He was a pleasure to deal with, and will do great things in his career.


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