PROJECT: Worshipping Hands

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Every once in a while I get asked by a church-going friend if I am able to make some frames of an event for them, and having an interest in people and how they function in general, religions of all sorts seems interesting to me. These particular images were captured at an ordainment for a pentecostal christian minister back in 2012. One of the most emotive parts of someone in worship is their hands. Our personality is overtly tied in to what we do with our hands, it’s undeniable.

Whenever I think about this, I remember an old Seinfeld skit where he said that the only reason it’s uncomfortable being naked is we don’t know what to do with our hands. If we had a belt with a few pockets it wouldn’t be half bad.


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Event: Orthodox Easter 2013 – New Westminster

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Down the street half a block from my apartment in New Westminster is a little Romainian Orthodox church which overlooks the Fraser River. One night last year, I returned home from a shoot to hundreds of people lining the streets with candles for what I later found out to be Orthodox Easter, so this year when the date came, I was ready to capture some photos.


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Event: BC Lion Travis Lulay signing

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Travis Lulay is the latest in a long line of professional athlete signing events that I have been happy to work with. This time, the Langley location of Pastime Sports and Games played host to the signing, and the lineup was out the door for a good portion of it. The crowds are usually quite happy that they can get their stuff signed without making a trip all the way out to Vancouver city.


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Street: First days of Spring

It’s been a little while since I have had any street photographs to share. That’s mostly been because of poor weather, but also due to the fact my Leica is still not fixed, as it has gotten put off week to week to week since I don’t have a lot of film right now. April should see a huge order go through, and the M6 fixed – but until then, here are some more shots with the RICOH GR1s

I really wish that the windows on the seabus had tinting in them.  A bit of an ironic shot – reading Life of Pi on the boat.


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